These surveys include code analysis along with detailed evaluations of equipment currently utilized in the building. RSA professionals determine equipment condition, level of functioning and give clients an estimate of useful life left in the equipment. RSA has many years of experience in inventory and condition surveys for a wide variety of facilities, including governmental, institutional, educational, commercial and residential buildings.
Depending upon the client's desire and project requirements, RSA can provide on-site representation during construction. We can provide full service representation from inception to completion, or on an hourly "as-needed" basis when less involvement is required.
Full service includes:
- advertising the project
- distribution of plans
- preparation of addenda material
- pre-bid meeting
- bid opening
- recommendation of award of contract
- submittal review
- inspections
- DCVR review/response
- change order resolution
- processing of pay requests
- substantial/final completion inspections
- record drawings and
- project closeout
RSA offers field observation and inspection services by competent, experienced personnel. Generally contracts require field observation at milestone intervals such as rough-in, substantial and final inspections. RSA can also provide full-time inspection services in which personnel are on site continuously during construction to ensure quality control for the owner.
RSA has the expertise to deliver energy budget analyses at any level, from basic rule-of-thumb and simple spread sheet overviews to the most advanced, cutting-edge models that account for energy use during every hour of the entire year.