Ernest Gruening Middle School Earthquake Recovery

Ernest Gruening Middle School Earthquake Recovery
RSA recently finalized the mechanical and electrical engineering design for the Ernest Gruening Middle School Earthquake Recovery project. The project scope of work includes FEMA earthquake-related damage repairs, as well as mitigation repairs intended to reduce the potential damage from future earthquakes. Mechanical and electrical systems throughout the facility were replaced; where existing systems were utilized, upgraded bracing and seismic restraint were specified to comply with current ASCE 7 guidance.

Mechanical upgrades included sprinkler piping bracing upgrades, sprinkler head repairs to comply with IBC, replacement of 10 air handling units, all original exhaust fans, heating terminal units, distribution ductwork to facilitate architectural modifications, classroom casework and fixture upgrades, replacement of the administration HVAC system, a kitchen remodel, DDC controls upgrade to all equipment, and roof drainage upgrade. At the completion of construction, RSA commissioned all building HVAC systems to ensure they were properly operating.

Electrical scope includes upgrades to the lighting, intercom, fire alarm, and telecommunications systems.

  • Categories: Educational
  • Client: MCG Explore Design
  • Owner: Anchorage School District
  • Structural: Reid Middleton
  • Civil: RPK and Associates
  • HAZMAT: EHS-Alaska, Inc.
  • General Contractor: Cornerstone